Imagine a collective future
sardine-squeezed in economy class
Metro train rush-hour home
Imagine a collective future
might I broach the subject
to a dead beat tired traveller
popular education or seminar-style
Imagine a collective future
actually meaning something
here in a crowded cattle truck
in standard grade English
Rush-hour home
Sardine-squeezed into
a collective future
Imagine - can you
Imagine - have you
Imagine - do you
Wondering to myself, train-bound home post-1630hrs, Thursday November 20
Imagine a Collective Future
Making the Invisible Visible
Making the invisible visible
like we tend to at times
of national political holidays
and 16 days of activism
(We break the silence
empower, wave our banners,
give voice then go back
behind our defences)
Making the invisible visible
a new third world consciousness
of cell phones and the daily fix
of television and tabloid news
Making the invisible visible
reflecting on the experience
Paulo Freire no longer the flavour
of this month or even last
Making the invisible visible
engendering popular education
emasculating its male bias
like her-story and history
Making the invisible visible
in social (even socialist) movements
the itch of popular education
too embarrassed to be acknowledged
Making the invisible visible
the struggle is over
the struggle is done
(why read or write)
Or have we all been done over
Trying to return to the source: not to Cabral or Fanon, but "Gender in
Popular Education - Methods for empowerment", a Centre for Adult and
Continuing Education (CACE) / Zed Books 1996 publication (edited by Shirley
Walters and Linzi Manicom).
Imagine a Collective Future
Making the Invisible Visible
Making the invisible visible
like we tend to at times
of national political holidays
and 16 days of activism
(We break the silence
empower, wave our banners,
give voice then go back
behind our defences)
Making the invisible visible
a new third world consciousness
of cell phones and the daily fix
of television and tabloid news
Making the invisible visible
reflecting on the experience
Paulo Freire no longer the flavour
of this month or even last
Making the invisible visible
engendering popular education
emasculating its male bias
like her-story and history
Making the invisible visible
in social (even socialist) movements
the itch of popular education
too embarrassed to be acknowledged
Making the invisible visible
the struggle is over
the struggle is done
(why read or write)
Or have we all been done over
Trying to return to the source: not to Cabral or Fanon, but "Gender in
Popular Education - Methods for empowerment", a Centre for Adult and
Continuing Education (CACE) / Zed Books 1996 publication (edited by Shirley
Walters and Linzi Manicom).
Imagine a collective future
a collective future
a future collective
a collectivist future
(as once envisaged long-past!)
nothing to kill for
nothing to die for
even no-one to die for
not even an ideal
no country
no borders
no nationalities
Am I a dreamer
Am I the only one (left)
Are we the only ones (left)
Might you join in
Might others join in
Might the world then
live as one
Taking creative license with John Lennon's "Imagine", which I almost always
turn to (on my turntable) for inspiration especially when the imagination
runs dry. Hippy that I am!
a collective future
a future collective
a collectivist future
(as once envisaged long-past!)
nothing to kill for
nothing to die for
even no-one to die for
not even an ideal
no country
no borders
no nationalities
Am I a dreamer
Am I the only one (left)
Are we the only ones (left)
Might you join in
Might others join in
Might the world then
live as one
Taking creative license with John Lennon's "Imagine", which I almost always
turn to (on my turntable) for inspiration especially when the imagination
runs dry. Hippy that I am!
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